Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

Gorgeous Sunday Morning: no editing required:)
I'm out for a walk on the path our house.  There was a light frost last night which Lit up the grass with light and sparkle. It's beautiful. The fall is my favorite season. I love it in Utah especially since we can see it on the mountains before comes to us. It's so nice to be up in the morning, out for a walk, alone. It's rejuvenating and peaceful. 
Today is general conference and I look forward to receiving the inspiration, strength and energy that I need To be an excellent wife, mom and young women's president.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Kieran was in Mrs. Fisher's 4th Grade Fine Arts class this year. They created their own opera from scratch. It was a tale of pirates, a princess, and time travel. Kieran was a great pirate who really enjoyed being on stage and he was a natural!

Sinead and Kimball happened to be sitting right behind us during the daytime performance. Those two are attached at the hip!

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Tonight was so crazy! Scott had to work. I had Julia Talbot come help us and still between the two of us we couldn't get the kids everywhere they needed to be.

This is Sinead as we walked to parent teacher interviews. In the last month she has really gotten into reading. This book is so good she can't put it down:)

The other pic is a roller coaster track that Liam made in math/science coop class. Cool stuff!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Joy School was at our house today!

Kira stayed a little longer and I snapped a picture of her and Sinead. They are the only kids out of our double related family that look alike. Fun:)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Kira and Nora came over to play today. Collin was so happy to have Kira to play with! He gets pretty bored in the afternoons when Aneen goes to school.

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Kaitlin and Keetan Hatch were driving by and took a picture for us on our way to church.

Later that evening we had a spontaneous family fishing moment while burning brush by the river.

Sinead even brought us out a snack. Yum!

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Today was busy as all Saturdays seem to be:)

It started with me watching Kieran's soccer game. He ate a lot of oranges at once and scored a GOAL!

We came home and all worked on the yard. Collin found a snail that he brought in the house. Yuck:(

Then we went out to dinner at Franck's in Holladay with Joe and Lori Shenk. Yum!! And tons of laughing!